How to Make Perfect Popcorn Without a Microwave | Kitchnedo

How to Make Perfect Popcorn Without a Microwave
  1. The biggest challenge people seem to have when it comes to making popcorn without a microwave is figuring out how to do it. It’s not as simple as just popping the popcorn in the microwave, but with a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to make perfect popcorn on the stovetop every time.

How to Make Perfect Popcorn Without a Microwave (8 Simple Steps)

Maybe you don’t have a microwave. Or maybe you just want to make some popcorn that tastes better than the kind you can make in a microwave. Whatever the reason, All you need is a pot, some oil, kernels, and a little patience, and you’ll end up with delicious popcorn that’s way better than anything you can make in a microwave. Here’s how to do it:

It can be hard to break out of the habit of relying on a microwave to make popcorn, but once you learn how to do it the old-fashioned way, you’ll never go back. Stovetop popcorn is the way to go if you want delicious popcorn that’s better than anything you can make in a microwave. Plus, it’s not that hard to do once you know how. So if you’re ready to learn how to make perfect popcorn without a microwave, read on!

1. Choose the right popcorn kernels

Choose the right popcorn kernels

The type of popcorn kernel you use is important if you want to make perfect popcorn without a microwave. There are a few different types of kernels, and not all of them will work well on the stovetop.

Types of popcorn kernels:

Popcorn kernels come in three different varieties: hulled, un-hulled, and mushroom.

Hulled vs. Un-Hulled kernels:

Hulled kernels are the type of kernel you want to use for stovetop popcorn. They have a hard outer shell that pops open when heated, and they produce fluffy popcorn that’s perfect for snacking. Un-hulled kernels also have a hard outer shell, but they don’t pop as well as hulled kernels.

Mushroom Kernels:

Mushroom kernels are the type of kernel you want to avoid if you’re making stovetop popcorn. They have a soft outer shell that doesn’t pop open when heated, so they’ll just end up burnt and not very tasty.

2. Pick the Right Pot to Cook Your Popcorn

The type of pot you use to cook your popcorn is important if you want to make perfect popcorn without a microwave. There are a few different types of pots, and not all of them will work well on the stovetop.

Types of pots:

There are three different types of pots you can use to cook your popcorn on the stovetop: a saucepan, a Dutch oven, or a popcorn popper.


A saucepan is the type of pot you want to use if you’re making a small batch of popcorn. It’s easy to control the heat with a saucepan, and you won’t have to worry about the kernels burning.

Dutch oven:

A Dutch oven is the type of pot you want to use if you’re making a large batch of popcorn. It’s big enough to handle a large number of kernels, and it distributes heat evenly so the kernels don’t burn.

Popcorn Popper:

A popcorn popper is the type of pot you want to use if you’re looking for the easiest way to make popcorn without a microwave. Popcorn poppers are designed specifically for making popcorn, so they’re easy to use and produce great results.

3. Add Oil and Kernels to the Pot

Add oil and kernels to the pot

Adding oil and kernels to the pot is important. The oil helps to heat the kernels evenly, and it prevents them from burning.

If you’re using a saucepan or a Dutch oven, you’ll need about 1 tablespoon of oil for every cup of kernels. If you’re using a popcorn popper, you’ll need to follow the instructions that come with the popper.

4. Cover the Pot and Heat it On the Stovetop

Cover the Pot and Heat it On the Stovetop

Covering the pot is important because it helps the popcorn to cook evenly. If you don’t cover the pot, the kernels on the bottom will burn while the kernels on the top are still raw. So make sure to cover the pot if you want perfect popcorn without a microwave.

Heat the pot over medium-high heat until it reaches the popping temperature. The popping temperature is the point at which the kernels start to pop.

If you’re using a saucepan or a Dutch oven, the popping temperature is between 360 and 370 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you’re using a popcorn popper, the popping temperature is between 400 and 410 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Listen for the Popping Sound and Start Stirring When you Hear it

Once the pot reaches the popping temperature, the kernels will start to pop. You’ll hear a popping sound as they do. If you’re using a saucepan or a Dutch oven, start stirring the kernels at this point. If you’re using a popcorn popper, the stirrer will start to move on its own.

6. Remove from Heat When the Popping Slows Down

When the popping slows down, it means the popcorn is done. Remove the pot from heat so the popcorn doesn’t burn. If you’re using a saucepan or a Dutch oven, pour the popcorn into a bowl.

If you’re using a popcorn popper, the popcorn will be deposited into the bowl for you.

7. Sprinkle with Salt, Sugar, or Your Favorite Seasoning

Sprinkle with Salt, Sugar, or Your Favorite Seasoning

Now it’s time to season your popcorn. Sprinkle it with salt, sugar, or your favorite seasoning. If you’re using a flavored popcorn kernel, you won’t need to add anything else. But if you’re using plain kernels, you’ll want to add some flavor.

8. Enjoy your Delicious Popcorn!

Now it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy your delicious popcorn. You did it! You made perfect popcorn without a microwave. Enjoy!


So there you have it! These are the steps you need to follow to make perfect popcorn without a microwave. Just remember to use the right type of pot, add oil and kernels, cover the pot, heat it, listen for the popping sound, remove from heat when the popping slows down, and sprinkle with salt, sugar, or your favorite seasoning. Then sit back and enjoy your delicious popcorn!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which type of pot should I use?


You can use a saucepan, a Dutch oven, or a popcorn popper. If you’re making a small batch of popcorn, a saucepan is the best option. If you’re making a large batch of popcorn, a Dutch oven is the best option. And if you’re looking for the easiest way to make popcorn without a microwave, a popcorn popper is the best option.


How much oil should I add?


You’ll need about 1 tablespoon of oil for every cup of kernels.


What’s the popping temperature?


The popping temperature is the point at which the kernels start to pop. If you’re using a saucepan or a Dutch oven, the popping temperature is between 360 and 370 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re using a popcorn popper, the popping temperature is between 400 and 410 degrees Fahrenheit.


What if I don’t have a lid for my pot?


You can use a piece of aluminum foil or a plate as a makeshift lid. Just make sure to poke a few holes in it so the steam can escape.


How do I know when the popcorn is done?


When the popping slows down, it means the popcorn is done. Remove the pot from heat so the popcorn doesn’t burn. If you’re using a saucepan or a Dutch oven, pour the popcorn into a bowl. If you’re using a popcorn popper, the popcorn will be deposited into the bowl for you.


Can I make flavored popcorn without a microwave?


Yes! You can use flavored kernels or add your flavorings after the popcorn is cooked. Just sprinkle on some salt, sugar, or your favorite seasoning.


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